1 Features
1.1 High-performance microprocessor with the operating frequency up to 50MHz brings excellent compatibility (with most motors in the market) and high driving efficiency.
1.2 The maximum motor speed can reach 210000 RPM (for 2-pole), 70000 RPM (for 6-pole) and 35000 RPM (for 12-pole).
1.3 Multiple flight modes: Airplane Fixed Wing / Heli Governor Off / Heli Governor (Elf) / Heli Governor Store.
1.4 Adjustable throttle range, compatible with various transmitters.
1.5 Microprocessor powered by independent DC regulator has better anti-interference performance, which greatly reduces the risk of losing control.
1.6 Brand new governor program brings excellent speed-governing effect.
1.7 ”Restart in auto rotation" can manually interrupt the auto rotation and quickly restart the motor to avoid crashes caused by incorrect operations.
1.8 Independent output port for RPM (that is: motor speed) signals.
1.9 Compatible LCD program box (optional accessory), its simple and visual interface allows users to set/revise all the ESC parameters easily.
(For detailed information, please refer to User Manual of LCD Program Box.)
1.10 Upgradeable firmware, you can upgrade the ESC after connecting it to a PC via the USB cable on the program box.
1.11 The independent port, for connecting the program box and setting parameters, can also be the output port of the running status data of the ESC. When coordinating with the data transmission module, it can make the real-time data monitoring and logging possible.
1.12 Low-voltage cutoff protection / Throttle signal loss protection effectively prolong the service life of the ESC.
1.13 The anti-spark circuit on the input wires eliminates the electro spark created when connecting the battery pack to the ESC.

Hobbywing 한국공식수입사 (주)용산알씨 하비윙 A/S정책 안내

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*워런티 WARRANTY가 무효인 경우

(1)구매당일부터 180일 기간초과

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(4)워런티코드를 식별하지못하는 경우(박스혹은변속기에 붙어있는 런티코드는 전부 식별될수없다면 무)
